Project Description
75-85 Harrington Street, The Rocks
GMU has been engaged by Golden Age and Hannas The Rocks Pty Ltd to prepare a Visual Impact Assessment report to accompany a Development Application (SSD 15_7037) for a new residential and commercial mixed-use development at No.75-85 Harrington Street, The Rocks. This Visual Impact Assessment report provides an independent opinion on the potential view impacts of the proposal when viewed from the immediate surrounding public domain as well as important foreshore locations in medium and long distance views. GMU analysed the broader and local context and considered the proposal from 12 visual catchment areas nominated in the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) by the Department. For detailed view assessment, a total of 18 viewpoint locations were selected as strategic locations where perceivable change might be potentially experienced in the immediate public domain as well as important open space or major destinations. The view documentation was carried out by a professional photographer and recorded by a qualified surveyor following court-certifiable guidelines. This study also provides recommendations on possible mitigation measures for the proposal where required to minimise its potential visual impacts.